I got a bit of a late start especially since i was planning on a long day. breakfast took a while and i didnt leave Granby until after 9. I knew i had a big climb to start off the day and it was made worse because i read the map wrong and thought the divide was closer than it actually was. So when i hit the mile marker where i though i should start descending but saw another portion of the mountain i still needed to climb i got a little disheartened. But eventually i made it there and there were some great views along the way. I saw a moose and its baby drinking from a stream about 50 feet from the side of the road and that was really cool. I'll add the pictures in a little bit.
Immediately when i got to the summit the song "How to save a life" came on my ipod and i had to struggle to not cry on the way down. Its just one of those songs that really makes me think about Greg.
But anyway. I needed to buy some water from a general store in Rand. I got pizza for lunch in Walden, CO right before the boarder. Most of the way was down hill after the pass until i reached Wyoming. There started to be some tough climbs especially with the head winds but the worst was the last one which was less than 8 miles from Riverside. I actually had to stop, catch my breath, and walk for a bit. Im definitely not used to the altitude yet. But i made it and finished my chocolate milk at the top of the hill where i could see Riverside below. But with 4 miles let i got a flat tire and just decided to switch it with a spare rather than plug the puncture.
I got to Riverside around 7:15, set up camp, and went over to the restaurant. I had a great burger with bacon, mushrooms, and swiss cheese along with some tots with with the same toppings that were great. After dinner i was able to get a shower but the mosquitoes were so bad that you couldnt spend any time outside so i just went to bed early.