Chad went to work at 6:15 so I said bye and told him I would lock up. I got a shower after he left and had some peanut butter for breakfast. It was slow in the morning and it didn’t help that it was cold and windy. The wind wasn’t bad but it wasn’t helping the way it was yesterday. I stopped in a library along the way but can’t remember what I did except talk to Sans. I met a guy named Dave who was going to Portland too. He left New Jersey on May 10th and said he was doing between 100 and 120 miles a day. I had already done 45 miles that morning and he was just starting so there was no point in me trying to keep up with him so we said bye and he pulled ahead. He was stuck in some town waiting for his phone to be mailed there because he lost it a while back. But he got to the town on Sunday and had to wait for the post office to open on Monday morning.
But after I finished talking to Sans I only had another 25 miles to go and was able to do it in about 90 minutes so I was happy to finish the day like that and have a good long rest ahead of me. I got to Tribune by 1:30 but since I crossed into Mountain Time it was really 12:30. So I spent the next few hours in the library planning out the rest of my trip. I’m going to be averaging about 83 miles a day and will have 5 or 6 rest days where I don’t have to do any riding and can enjoy myself. I found 5 people through who might be able to put me up for a night so I will def try to contact them as I get closer.
It was another boring ride through Kansas and I will definitely be happy to get out of here tomorrow. Let’s hope that the cattle farms in Colorado don’t smell too bad. I’ll be able to camp in a park under a gazebo for a little more shelter tonight. The park has showers too so I’ll see about that. I got a double cheese burger with onion rings tonight for dinner but will probably go back and have some more peanut butter at the tent.
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