I left the camp ground around 8:30 and planned to get some food in Saratoga which was only 18 miles down the road. I did the distance pretty quick and got found a place for breakfast by 9:45 but the place was pretty crowded and I didn't get served my pancakes until 10:20. I wanted to use the library there but decided to push on. I learned later that there was a really great hot spring in Saratoga that I could have gone into for free. But there are a few more places that i will be able to stop in that have some but these were apparently pretty good.
Again it was mostly down hill and the climbs that I did have weren't too bad. I feel like I’m getting back in shape and my lungs are adjusting to the altitude again. I had to ride on the interstate for a while today but it wasn't too terrible. There was a wide shoulder and it seemed like people would move to the other lane if they were able to. Subway for lunch in Rawlins where i met an old local guy who still biked a lot and knew about the Trans Am and had a bunch of questions for me. I found the library but it was closed all weekend and I’m guessing that the one in Lander will be closed tomorrow on a Sunday. I had another slight climb that lasted for 16 miles but at the top was another continental divide with a steep descent on the other side that was a lot of fun to go down. Most of the rest of the way was down hill again. I met a guy named Mike on a bike that had both a motor and pedals on it. He seemed pretty weird and dirty and I was glad he kept going when I stopped for the night.
I planned to stop in Lamont where the map says there is a restaurant and a place to camp. But the restaurant had broken windows and someone said that it wasn't going to be opened tonight. Plus the camp ground was just the backyard behind the run down restaurant. And it wasn't so much as a backyard as it was a junk yard for broken trailers. So i kept going to the gas station and camp in Muddy Gap. This place was pretty bad too. There is no grass, only rocks, and all the gas station had to eat was Chef Boyardi which I ate cold. Definitely one of the worst nights of the trip. I wish i realized how bad it was earlier so I would have done another 22 miles to Jeffrey City where there is supposed to be a hotel and a camp that cant possibly be worse than this, but who knows in this state.
Wyoming is pretty cool though. Its totally wide open with little to no signs of habitation. But the views change very little since you can see for 10 miles at a time. So its a little like Kansas in that aspect but at least there is a view.

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