The van picked us up at 6:30 and there were 3 other people plus the driver going with us to the park. It was 55 miles just to get to Yellowstone and the entire tour was going to last almost 12 hours. We first stopped at Oxbow Bend where there was a perfect reflection of the Tetons in the river. It was exactly like one of the views from Forest Gump that inspired me to do this trip. Next we saw a Grizzly along the side of the road which is pretty rare. I got some good pictures and I'm sure Ali did too since she had the best view for it. Next we stopped at West Thumb where there are a lot of hot springs. We saw some ducks swimming in one of the pools and the guide was amazed and said she had never seen them do that before and that pool must not be that hot or they would all be dead. After that there was some traffic so we slowed down to take a look. It was a 2000 pound bison walking on the other side of the street towards us. It was so cool! We passed through Hayden Valley and saw herds of bison, not buffalo. The guide told us that there are no buffalo in the US and the only real buffalo are the water buffalo in africa and asia. NExt was the canyon which is also like a mini grand canyon where there were some more good pics that I will put up as soon as I can. Lunch was next to the Gibon river. We waited for 20 minutes at a construction site where Christine and I goofed off by the side of the road while Ali slept in the car. Old Faithful was next. We just missed it when we showed up so we had to wait for about an hour for the next eruption. People started doing the wave while we were waiting but we didnt because we are just too mature or maybe it was because we just didnt think to start it. But the eruption was pretty cool and i got a video of it going off. There are 150 geysers within a one mile radius of Old Faithful so it was a really cool place to walk around. Next we stopped at a really cool pond at the top the the Continental Divide. It flowed down both sides of the divide so it actually flowed into both the Atlantic and Pacific. Plus the pond was covered in lilly pads and was really pretty. On the way out we stopped at Lewis Falls which was very cool. That was about it though. We all passed out on the way back. We joked that Angela, the driver, put Drano in our lunched to put us to sleep. Christine also kept forgetting her name and just started calling her whatever name popped into her head. So by the end of the week if any girl name was said it probably referred to the guide.
We hung around the room for a bit then went to dinner at the GUn Barrel where i had Elk with mushrooms and sun dried tomatoes. Its a lot better than the PB sandwiches.
Its definitely nice to slleep in a bed since I slept on the sofa every night when I was home.

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