Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day 3 May 14th

Yorktown to Altee, VA 103 miles
I left camp a little late today, around 9 am, but thought it was alright to get an extra half hour of rest. I was glad I did since my odometer put me at over 100 miles for the day.
My ass isn’t as bad as yesterday and I'm sitting in a comfy chair writing in the library which is only 100 feet from my makeshift campsite, aka the woods behind the parking lot. But its right on trail so I wont have to ride an extra 12 miles before I pick it up like I did this morning. The roads were pretty flat and in good condition most of the way. I hope that most of the trail will be like this with good roads and minimal traffic. I didn’t stop in Williamsburg or Jamestowne along the way since I still had another 70 miles to reach my goal for the day. My brother Greg peed on a fence in Williamsburg when we were there about 10 years ago and we have never let him forget it so finding that fence would have been the best part of Williamsburg probably. I did see Shirley Plantation though so my mom would love that.
There were a few sun showers which were very welcome in the heat.
I read on my map that there is a log book for everyone who is cycling across Virginia to sign and saw that someone left Yorktown on the 12th and another group left o the 9th. So now I have someone I know I'm trying to chase down.

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